

Just last week, I was selected to be a member of the DBIA competition team for BYU. Although several people were interviewed, I was unofficially assured a spot on the team, because I had previously showed one of the interviewers my work displayed on the Autodesk Education website.

I feel honored to be given a chance to compete at the collegiate level doing what I love. I will be the designer in charge of most every part of the project's appearance: external image of the building, design characteristics, presentation methods, and etc. The project involves the design of a cancer institute as an addition to an existing hospital.

In mid-February, the team will go to Reno to coordinate a proposal for the project over the course of a grueling, 18-hour day. I have a few months to prepare and build my knowledge of applicable projects and design factors, as well as my expertise using different design software. If our team takes 1st place, we will then go to a similar competition at the national level...

The task before me presents no small piece of cake; success will only come at a great cost.

And did I happen to mention that the results of this competition could completely and directly affect my future career? Employers from around the country witness the competition and, drawing from firsthand witnesses' accounts, spare no expense in catering to students at a career fair the day following the competition. Basically, if I do well, I could have employers lining up to sell themselves to me...

The potential for success or for failure in this endeavor is enormous. I just pray that I can do my best, not only for my benefit but for that of the whole team; I'm not the only one with skin in the game.

'Twould be a great blessing to win... wish me luck as I again pursue success on a plane higher than I've ever attempted. Go BYU DBIA!

1 comment:

  1. Holy update Batman! Congrats! and Congrats! Yay for a good life Andrew Scot!
