
A personal immersion in Architecture

Architecture has rooted itself deeply in my life. More than simply an interest or occasional hobby, the practice thereof has developed into a compulsion, a drive to create newness. In this creative pursuit, I have realized that the process itself has generated within me a deep respect for the master works of professionals, here and there, past and present... I have learned of their magnificence as I have feebly attempted to emulate their work in the expansion of my own ideas and concepts. My respect is never ending.

This admission, however humble, does not come without a hint of pride... I have never given up. I have continually pushed myself in spite of my weaknesses. I have never let go of the dream that is architecture.

Just recently, I realized that I have been pursuing this dream for nearly 10 years, almost half of my life. Has the time and effort been worth it? Indeed. But what proof??? Love... Support... Admiration... Recognition... Respect... All of these, however private or relatively small in magnitude, are overwhelmingly powerful in their effect. So I continue...

Here are some pictures of and links to some of my work. I do not claim to be at a professional level by any means.

Ascot Manor

The VAULT - Bachelor Pad Concept

Becca House
Becca House - more

AXO Student Center: Evolution

Tower5 - Concept

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